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PE and Social Pedagogy Around the World. Webinar 1. Social Pedagogy and PE: Creating a Group Identity

Webinar series: PE and Social Pedagogy Around the World

The SPPA Special Interest Group (SIG) on Social Pedagogy, Sports and Physical Education(PE) led by Dr. Aspasia Dania, is pleased to invite the social pedagogy community to a new webinar series on PE and social pedagogy.  With an amazing group of speakers from Greece, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Brazil and the United States, these webinars will explore and discuss in an interactive way PE and social pedagogy in both theory and practice. 

We have five webinars planned, starting in October covering a variety of topics such as group identity, outdoor education, using games, after-school clubs and community and social justice. More info below. 

This event is free for members and supporters. 

Any donations will be greatly appreciated. We will use the money we raise to put on more social pedagogy events and projects.  This will help us reach our goal of building a social pedagogy community of practice across the UK and Ireland and recognising the value of social pedagogy in different fields, sectors and contexts by bringing together international perspectives.

Book your tickets here. 


Webinar 1. Social Pedagogy and PE: Creating a Group Identity

18th October,  6:00 - 7:30 pm London time


  • Alan Ovens, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Aspasia Dania, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

With an emphasis on pupil autonomy and empowerment within PE, the goal of Webinar #1 is to present what it means to work together as a group within PE under a Social Pedagogy perspective, so as to strengthen social cohesion and prevent marginalization.


More webinars in this series:

  • Webinar 2. Social Pedagogy and PE: Outdoor-adventure education for families - December 2023
  • Webinar 3. .Social Pedagogy and PE: Using Games - February 2024
  • Webinar 4. Social Pedagogy and PE: After-School Clubs and Community Work - April 2024
  • Webinar 5. Social Pedagogy and PE: Social Justice - June, 2024

For more info contact: or Aspasia Dania <>

We also invite you to join our SIG via Facebook here. Please note this SIG is for SPPA members and supporters only.

Not a SPPA member or supporter yet? Join us today! Learn how to become part of SPPA here.

Event Details

18/10/2023 - 18/09/2023

18:00 - 19:30


Free for SPPA members and supporters
Small fee for non members.