Highlights from BLM and Social Pedagogy


Lockdown Social Pedagogy online gatherings and webinar series: Black Lives Matter and Social Pedagogy    On Friday 3rd July 2020 we had our monthly social pedagogy online gathering, the session was hosted by Robyn Kemp, SPPA Director and Yvalia Febrer, SPPA trustee. We had a small audience this time, yet we were able to have […]

Black Lives Matter – Message to our Members


June 13th 2020 Dear all, The murder of George Floyd in the USA and the Black Lives Matter movement across the world has starkly exposed endemic racism at the heart of British culture and institutions, a shameful culture that has stalled anti-racist change at seemingly every opportunity. White privilege, and indeed intersectional privilege, has kept some […]

International webinar- Social Education and Social Pedagogy: Here and Now


  The International webinar series Social Education and Social Pedagogy: Here and Now is taking place next week on 16, 17 & 18 of June.  This is an international event hosted by the Social Pedagogy Association, ThemPra Social Pedagogy and the University of Central Lancashire. There will be lots of exciting webinars, all free to […]

Highlights from the webinar Social Pedagogy & global crisis: Social pedagogical approaches to the Covid Pandemic


Last Friday 29th of May we had our third virtual event of the year. This time Ali Gardner and Lowis Charfe spoke about Social Pedagogy and the global crisis, the event was co-hosted by Bianka Lang, current SPPA trustee, and we had an incredible audience of 62 people from all over the world! We are […]

NEW Blogs!!


Have a look at the new IOE Blog about thriving under lockdown and learn how Social Pedagogy’s focus on the here and now is helping young people in care: NEW! Young people in care: how lockdown provides a haven of security and belonging – By Claire Cameron We also have two new blogs written by students of […]

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