SPPA was founded in 2016 to be the professional home of social pedagogy in the UK. It built on research and practice interest across children’s social care, work with adults with disabilities and older people. SPPA holds both the quality assurance measures that ensure good practice in training and offers continuous professional development and networking opportunities. SPPA keeps a small, committed and growing band of supporters together through newsletters, events and campaigns, and through this website. We have reached a pivotal moment in our development. We have 13 trustees freely giving their time and expertise and working hard to support the next stage of growth. But keeping SPPA on the road costs real money. Individual membership costs £70 and organisational membership costs from £300 – £2000, but so far we have found that income from membership fees is not enough on its own. Now the incubator project funding is ending, we need funds to pay for upkeep of the website and make events happen. We want SPPA to be as accessible as possible so we don’t want to raise fees. If you believe in social pedagogy, could you help?
All donations welcome via our SPPA bank account details:
Our banks address: Lloyds Bank, Blackheath London Branch, Lloyds Bank plc, PO Box 1000. BX1 1 LT
Sort code: 30 90 89
Account no: 40261968
Account name: Social Pedagogy Professional Association
Please put down ‘SPPA donation’ as a reference.
Please email us at sppa@ucl.ac.uk when you’ve made a donation. We thank you very much for your kind support.