We are looking for interactive,experiential and academicallyfocused workshops, from a socio-pedagogical perspective, from academics, policy makers, practitioners and students from across a range of disciplines such associal work, education, older people, community learning and health. Workshops will last for 1 hour 30mins and should aim to both inform and involve participants. The focus of workshops should fit broadly within the title of the conference, reflecting the utility of socio-pedagogical theories and methods across the lifecourse. Themes may include but are not limited to:
- Personal/professional relationships
- Adults/Older People
- Education in schools
- Inter-generational relationships
- Mental health/wellbeing
- Work with groups and communities
- Early childhood education and care
- Families and family support
- Youth and criminal justice
- Co-production
- Transitions
Abstract guidelines:
Workshop proposals should provide a title and be a maximum of 250 words.
Please include the proposer’s name(s) and contact details along with their job titles.