On 5th September 2017, SPPA hosted a Focused Learning Day in Belfast, called ‘A Creative Dialogue: arts and culture, the common third in social pedagogy’. The event was attended by fifteen participants from residential child care, adult social care, the arts, and social work.
The Focused Learning Day aimed to bridge the gap between social work practice and the arts, by highlighting the arts as a type of ‘Common Third’ which refers to the use of a shared activity to strengthen relationships between care-givers and recipients.
Following the session, SPPA hosted a meeting to identify ways it could support organisations in implementing social pedagogy around the country. It was suggested that social pedagogy is practiced in select organisations. It was agreed that SPPA would attend a meeting later in the year to continue the discussion.
This follow-up meeting took place on 15th November 2017 and focused again on the implementation of social pedagogy in Northern Ireland.
To identify those select clusters of social pedagogy practice mentioned at the previous meeting, attendees carried out a mapping exercise to highlight areas of strength for its practice, and areas and organisations that would need more support and encouragement in its implementation.
It was suggested that for some of the key players driving social pedagogy in the country, there was no organisational collaboration. This hindered the continued growth of social pedagogy, as it became difficult to sustain social pedagogy practice with no central co-ordinated driving force behind it.
It was highlighted that SPPA could play this role, and it was agreed that SPPA would help the meeting attendees to establish a working group to continue discussions. SPPA has offered time and resource to support the working group in identifying new organisations to invite, and the group was keen to develop a framework of assessment to help capture social pedagogic practice where it has occurred.
A further meeting has been agreed with the date TBD. The meeting will be open to all those who attended previous meetings in Northern Ireland, or anyone with an interest in developing social pedagogy in the region. Contact sppa@ucl.ac.uk if you or anyone you know is interested in attending.