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by Emma Black, Michael Bettencourt and Claire Cameron
The hypothesis at the heart of this chapter is that you, the target reader of this book, have chosen to enter the teaching profession for a specific reason: you want to make a difference to the lives of the children and young people in your classroom.
As fellow professionals in the education sector, we recognise that demands such as implementing a high stakes accountability-driven curriculum can, without careful consideration, be to the detriment of supporting the emotional needs of the children and young people in your care. Drawing on the work of Cameron, Connelly and Jackson’s (2015) Educating Children and Young People in Care: Learning Placements and Caring Schools, we argue that for children to thrive and flourish, the integration of care and education in daily life is key. We believe this is particularly pertinent to those children and young people who have experienced difficult childhoods. As such, it is these children who are the focus of this chapter. In an effort to support you in establishing and maintaining the synergy between care and education, we present the field of social pedagogy for your consideration.
by Jenny Young and Eleanor Mooney
Loud and Clear was a project to support the musical development of Looked After Children and carers and to support the personal, social and emotional development of the children and their relationships with others.
by Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Sheila Cooper and Steve Kirkwood
From July to September 2014, a social pedagogy training programme was provided for 15 staff from across two Camphill communities (Tiphereth and Blair Drummond) in Scotland. A further three days of Social Pedagogy Leadership training were provided in December 2014 for a further 14 staff from both communities. The project was funded by the Scottish Government and was directly linked to recommendations made in the Keys to Life, a ten year strategy for improving the quality of life for people with learning disabilities in Scotland.
In the course of their evaluation the project team sought evidence of the development of seven core social pedagogical values: valuing relationships; valuing equality; valuing the self as a practitioner and person; valuing good communication; valuing teams and communities; valuing the everyday; valuing practical activities.