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Introducing social pedagogy into residential child care in England

Residential Child CareUK

by Eilen Bengtsson, Clare Chamberlain, David Crimmens and Jonathan Stanley

This project was commissioned by the Social Education Trust (SET) and managed by the National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care (NCERCC). It aimed to develop knowledge of the
theories behind social pedagogic approaches, build the confidence of Residential Child Care workers and discover possible ways of translating social pedagogic approaches into meaningful practices in English Residential Child Care settings.

Social pedagogy and its links to holding a space


by Dr Irene Stevens

The Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care (SIRCC) was asked to evaluate Holding the Space (HTS), an
initiative which was developed by The Kite project in Sunderland. The Kite project is part of Action for Children’s
Safe and Secure services.

Social Pedagogy Pilot Project Evaluation

EducationLearning DisabilitiesUK

by Autumn Roesch-Marsh, Sheila Cooper and Steve Kirkwood

From July to September 2014, a social pedagogy training programme was provided for 15 staff from across two Camphill communities (Tiphereth and Blair Drummond) in Scotland. A further three days of Social Pedagogy Leadership training were provided in December 2014 for a further 14 staff from both communities. The project was funded by the Scottish Government and was directly linked to recommendations made in the Keys to Life, a ten year strategy for improving the quality of life for people with learning disabilities in Scotland.

In the course of their evaluation the project team sought evidence of the development of seven core social pedagogical values: valuing relationships; valuing equality; valuing the self as a practitioner and person; valuing good communication; valuing teams and communities; valuing the everyday; valuing practical activities.


Essex Report

InternationalResidential Child CareUK

by Gabriel Eichsteller and Sylvia Holthoff

Essex County Council embraced social pedagogy following a 3-year pilot project to develop social pedagogy within its children’s residential services, a National Centre for Excellent in Residential Child Care (NCERCC) and the Social Education Trust (SET) study that concluded that participants welcomed the holistic child centred social pedagogic approach and research by the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) that care experiences of young people in Denmark and Germany are better than in the UK.

How  this  happened  and  what  this  has  achieved  is  described  in  this report.

Read the Essex Report 2012.


Introducing social pedagogy into scottish residential care: an evaluation of the Sycamore Services social pedagogy training programme

Residential Child CareUK

by Ian Milligan, Assistant Director, Scottish Institute for Child Care

Sycamore Services, part of Aberlour Childcare Trust is a scottish residential care setting. It piloted a social pedagogy programme for their child care staff. Read about the evaluation of this programme.

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