SPDN Blackpool


On 26 November the Social Pedagogy Development Network had their 19th networking event in Blackpool. This year SPDN  was hosted by  Empowerment and SPDN was pleased to have Mike Crowther, Empowerment’s CEO talking about how social pedagogy has informed Empowerment’s work and his own leadership. This year’s event attracted more than 120 attendees many of […]

The annual SPPA Conference was a big success!


Last month, on the 3rd of October, we had our annual conference: Creativity and Social Pedagogy – Towards transformative practice.  The event took place in Manchester and we are very pleased to have had an amazing group of speakers and attendants from around the UK, Germany, Ireland and France. We kick-started the conference with some […]

Social Pedagogy Development Network (SPDN) event 8th July, Myle Cross Centre, Lincoln Host: Lincolnshire County Council


The SPDN event was hosted by Lincolnshire County Council, and held at their Myle Cross training complex in Lincoln. The programme format was similar to that used in Paisley and Brent in the previous two events, in which the content of the day becomes participant-led and thereby more closely attuned to the wishes and energy […]

Welcome to LEYF, our newest gold member!!


We are thrilled to Welcome London Early Years Foundation  as our newest Gold member!! If you are interested and want to find out more about them click here.

Kingston University course becomes SPPA endorsed


SPPA holds a register of learning programmes (courses, qualifications) which demonstrate that they offer high quality learning in social pedagogy. For this reason, SPPA upholds Standards of Education and Training (SETS) to ensure that social pedagogy qualifications, courses and other learning programmes are consistently facilitated to this standard by providers across the UK. Any organisation […]

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