Social pedagogy’s relevance for Scottish social welfare


Written by Mark Smith (University of Dundee) and Sebastian Monteaux (Abertay University and NHS Tayside) (June 2019), “Social Pedagogy’s relevance for Scottish welfare” explores the history and emergence of social pedagogy, key ideas, practice developments and implications for practice. To read more click on the following link:

SPPA is a registered charity


We are delighted to let you know that we are officially a registered charity!! This opens opportunities for us to apply for alternative funding streams. We would like to say a big thank you to all SPPA staff, our Board of Trustees, solicitors, members and supporters that encouraged us to make this happen.  

The next Social Pedagogy International Conference will be taking place in 2020 in Cyprus


 The  Social Pedagogy Association / Asociación de Pedagogía Social in partnership with Thempra, UCLAN and the Arizona State University are introducing the Social Pedagogy International Conference Social Education and Social Pedagogy: Here and Now, Cyprus, June 16-18, 2020 This conference is part of an international initiative to bring together scholars and practitioners of social pedagogy […]

Japanese academics visit the UK to learn about Social Pedagogy


In March 2019 a group of 7 academics from Japanese Universities interested in Children’s Services and how Social Pedagogy can help them, visited SPPA members Kibble in Paisley, Scotland and TRCU scholars Claire Cameron and Pat Petrie. They wanted to find out how the UK is progressing with Social Pedagogy having recently started the Japanese […]

Surrey County Council in house training lead by Foster Carers and Residential Workers


Surrey County Council are committed to embedding Social Pedagogical values and currently offer their Children’s Services staff a three day introduction. Those that are then inspired by this experience are offered a further five days facilitated learning. This training is lead by a Social Pedagogue and supported by experienced Foster carers and Residential Workers who have completed their Level […]

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