Surrey County Council are committed to embedding Social Pedagogical values and currently offer their Children’s Services staff a three day introduction. Those that are then inspired by this experience are offered a further five days facilitated learning. This training is lead by a Social Pedagogue and supported by experienced Foster carers and Residential Workers who have completed their Level 3 (and hopefully soon Level 5) Social Pedagogy Diplomas. This not only helps the facilitators embed their own learning but also offers an opportunity to share knowledge, passion and experiences. Here is brief reflection from one of the Foster Carers who helped facilitate a recent training course.
“We gathered for Day 3 and 4 of the Surrey Social Pedagogy in house training. A small group of Residential Workers and Foster Carers, keen to deepen their understanding of and put in to practice their Social Pedagogy knowledge and training.
We explored and discussed in creative ways many topics, including “what makes a good childhood” and parenting styles. In small groups we looked at how these topics could help create a visual snapshot of aspects of who a child is, their care journey, what their Relational Universe and Ecological System looks like and what their Love Language might be. We also discussed and learnt about Hermeneutics, Key Thinkers and Participation.
The group feedback
that they found the topics to be helpful, enlightening and relevant. Each participant went away with a set goal they wanted to try and achieve before meeting again for our final day of training in three weeks time. The stories shared on this last day evidenced some crucial changes in practice resulting in unexpected outcomes and the overall feeling was one of excitement and commitment to testing out new ideas and theories” – Vicki Jones, Foster Carer & Social Pedagogue Practitioner