Surrey County Council trialled the SPPA Audit Tool in one of their Residential Children’s Homes that already advocates the benefits of Social Pedagogy. Initially it was assumed that the tool would act as validation of the work and processes already in place – instead what was found was a reflective and self-challenging tool that has meant the team has been encouraged to be specific; focussed and be mindful of how we ensure our homes practices are in align with our values. As a result the Audit Tool has been the trigger from which a Social Pedagogy focus group has formed; its purpose is to, with the help of the Audit Tool, ensure that the Social Pedagogy values continue to develop and be properly reflected and represented in the workings of the home – feedback from a SCC Children’s Home (January 2019)


The SPPA Audit tool is a membership benefit that is gaining ground as a useful way to assess progress in a variety of social pedagogic settings. It acts asa reflective focus point around which to debate the current status and future directions for social pedagogy in the setting.