On 26 May 2017, Jameel Hadi, Lecturer at University of Salford, hosted an Introduction to Social Pedagogy learning event, an inspiring forerunner for their soon to be launched MA in social pedagogy.
Introducing Social Pedagogy: Collaborating with Individuals & Communities
When calling it inspiring, I’m not only speaking about the participants’ enthusiasm for social pedagogy, but how encouraging I found their response, given that they came from a wide range of professional backgrounds and services. They were mostly professionals from social work, youth work, community and family support, youth justice, children’s services, services for older people and higher education. There was also at least one student. From their comments, people recognised the relevance of social pedagogy for their own work and how adopting it could enrich practice for the benefit of service users.
We were welcomed by the Assistant Director of Social Work Education, who took part in everything. Dr Jameel Hadi, who will lead the MA, organised the day – and spoke well of SPPA! Dr Kieran Hatton provided an interesting theoretical background to the common third, then we broke into 3 workshops with the facilitators travelling between the groups. Robin Kemp (incidentally, one of the IOE’s first MAs in social pedagogy) facilitated Relationship Based Theories in Practice; Anthony Moorcraft: The Diamond Model, while I facilitated ‘Creativity and Social Pedagogy.
If you would like to find out more about the MA in Social Pedagogy at University of Salford, please contact Jameel Hadi: J.Hadi@salford.ac.uk
Pat Petrie PhD
Professor Emeritus
Centre for Understanding Social Pedagogy
Institute of Education, UCL London